UDB Skyway
With Unique Dream Builders prestigious project – Skyway! We are giving you ‘nature’ like never before. You will have ample of sunlight at the ay time and a great view of night sky for your relaxed evenings. UDB Skyway introduces ‘Nature Supply’ as its prime features which is bound to amaze you. Skyway one such project for UDB, which promises to be the landmark for the city owing to its unique features. The concept of maintaining the ecological balance and the utilization of the same has been the pivotal factor which has determined the architectural plan for the building; Skyway has been designed in a way that has ensured minimum alteration to the natural terrain and surroundings. And, we have made sure that energy is conserved in whichever way possible. Consider the design approach; its always large windows and provision for ventilation which designs for an apartment and with the fact pretty clear in mind that light would not reach beyond 20ft from given source, it was mandatory that skyway lived up to its name and gave its dwellers the actual uplifted and sky bound feel. Cross- Ventilation not only ensures un– obstructed air flow but also keeps the interiors always fresh.
UDB Skyway
With Unique Dream Builders prestigious project – Skyway! We are giving you ‘nature’ like never before. You will have ample of sunlight at the ay time and a great view of night sky for your relaxed evenings. UDB Skyway introduces ‘Nature Supply’ as its prime features which is bound to amaze you. Skyway one such project for UDB, which promises to be the landmark for the city owing to its unique features. The concept of maintaining the ecological balance and the utilization of the same has been the pivotal factor which has determined the architectural plan for the building; Skyway has been designed in a way that has ensured minimum alteration to the natural terrain and surroundings. And, we have made sure that energy is conserved in whichever way possible. Consider the design approach; its always large windows and provision for ventilation which designs for an apartment and with the fact pretty clear in mind that light would not reach beyond 20ft from given source, it was mandatory that skyway lived up to its name and gave its dwellers the actual uplifted and sky bound feel. Cross- Ventilation not only ensures un– obstructed air flow but also keeps the interiors always fresh.